Message from IAPM Hon Secretary


Dear Organizing team APCON 2024,

APCON in the present times is attracting a great momentum with large number of attendees. Conferences provide a platform not only to meet colleagues, stalwarts and teachers who made you see this day, but importantly to showcase yourself also. You can present your cases, share your expertise and take guidance from more experienced ones and share your experiences with the youngsters.

The Scientific schedule for APCON 2024 to be held at SCB Medical College, Cuttack has been planned in a way so as to cater to the needs of all those who want an academic feast with updates, for specialists in every field and, those practicing in a particular subspecialty. There are numerous plenary sessions, parallel CMEs comprising of topics of general interest as well as recent updates for the Postgraduates, young pathologists and, the practicing pathologists. Breakfast sessions are based on the theme of having an informal discussion with the guides and mentors.

There are unprecedented efforts that need to be invested in organizing an event of such a large magnitude. I am sure that this Conference would leave a long lasting memory in the minds of all those who attend it.

Jai Hind!
Long Live IAPM

Dr. Ranjan Agrawal
Hony. Secretary, IAPM